Here is my first knitting machine project. WOW, time consuming and frustrating. But in the end, I like what happened. Also this is the first time I am not making a project about gender roles and female sexuality in, like, a year. It was a good break. This is about news and how information is processed before it reaches us. The knitting machine was supposed to be a metaphor for technology in this project. Lenses, 7'x5'.
Here is my first knitting machine project. WOW, time consuming and frustrating. But in the end, I like what happened. Also this is the first time I am not making a project about gender roles and female sexuality in, like, a year. It was a good break. This is about news and how information is processed before it reaches us. The knitting machine was supposed to be a metaphor for technology in this project. Lenses, 7'x5'.