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OK. This is my third of this current series which I have decided to name "States of Unrest". The individual pieces don't have names. This one seems to be one part aggression, one part yawn, one part blow-up doll. Any feedback is appreciated! Woo! Party on. Make it big! 14x24, charcoal on BFK.


Okay, here is my second drawing of this current series I'm working on. Again please make this big to look at it! Any feedback is greatly appreciated.... especially since I'm isolated in a dense forest in the middle of nowhere. 14x20"
So I've been thinking about starting this series of drawings for awhile now. What do you think of this one? Please click on it to look at the bigger version.


OK so I have decided I need to bag the website idea. I will not keep up with a website as I am not proficient with it. Instead I made a portfolio site: It's not done and eventually I will switch my domain name to this.


And here's the final setup.

Here it is. Here here here it is.

I believe this is Veil #3 of my art school career.

So here we go. This is my last piece! Well, my last assignment. My entire thesis is coming up soon. but assignment-wise, this is it, man. Out with the old, in with the new. Veils= rites of passage, and on the veil is a fertilization scene, NEW LIFE NEW STUFF LET'S GO GIRLS. Wedding dress train, wire, embroidery floss. "The Inevitable."

Viewer Discretion Advised

AGGRESSION CHAIR TIME. I wanted to attack the idea of anger and aggression and this quickly turned sexual. This is great for me and my critiques as it provided me with a lot of fuel and material, but I am beginning to worry that they will have to put a parental advisory disclaimer on the Middendorf Gallery. But hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. This is my thesis, this is not the time to employ censorship. Let's be honest about aggression, shall we?

Frail Chair


Something to be studied.

Stuffed is a great word. It really conjures up some graphic visuals. Stuffed is the theme of my second MatCon project. I immediately thought of being over-run or bursting with something. Along those lines, I began to brainstorm about viruses, disease and being physically consumed by an internal phenomenon. The fragility and stigmas surrounding that idea is my focus. Bouquet of infested orifices. Images tomorrow.
Nineteen hours later: I just needed to let anyone else know what I have been through today. Unfinished Mother Chair.

Midterm Statement

This is my statement for my midterm- happening tomorrow morning. Its similar to my original statement, but slightly updated: My upcoming body of work will address the same concepts I was working with last semester, the body, gender and built environment, and applying them to new forms. I want to utilize structures that relate directly to the body in their function. I intend to make a set of chairs that not only reference the body but also femininity. These bodily chairs will personify different aspects of female sexuality as well as address how women are at the mercy of the way they are defined sexually when they trying to find a place in our society. I am also interested in exploring these concepts in conjunction with the history of the chair as part of the architecture of the hierarchical society we exist in (thrones, head of the table). My commencement exhibition work will consist of an installation of furniture. My current body of work is dealing with beauty and the po...


Here is my first knitting machine project. WOW, time consuming and frustrating. But in the end, I like what happened. Also this is the first time I am not making a project about gender roles and female sexuality in, like, a year. It was a good break. This is about news and how information is processed before it reaches us. The knitting machine was supposed to be a metaphor for technology in this project. Lenses , 7'x5'.

Halleleujah, I adore it.

Final Hairy Chair! Enjoy. I do. The Hair Chair. Still Unfinished, but much closer. I plan to add trim to the cushion, so you cannot see the staples, and maybe a little something decorative...I don't know. Definitely more hair plugs. Duh. I have to have a whole 'nother chair done by next week, so this week will be busy. My next chair..... "Mother." Buckle up.

Blemish Chair

So, this is Blemish Chair, as she exists now. These will all be works in progress until my commencement show. This is paint, plaster and latex on chair. Detail of Blemish Chair: Stay tuned for Hairy Chair:

Pinpointed Thesis Description

My upcoming body of work will address the same concepts I was working with last semester, the body, gender and built environment, and applying them to new forms. I want to utilize structures that relate directly to the body in their function, so I am interested in altering furniture, specifically, chairs, for my purposes. I intend to make a set of chairs that not only reference the body but also femininity. These bodily chairs will personify different aspects of female sexuality as well as address how women are at the mercy of the way they are defined sexually, occasionally revoking their sense of individuality, and making them more like things that adorn a room. I am also interested in exploring these concepts in conjunction with the history of the chair as part of the architecture of the hierarchical society we exist in (thrones, head of the table, etc.).